Meet the founder...
Adrian Jones
Adrian Jones is an experienced business leader, former CEO and, more recently, a passionate and convincing advocate for the societal and business transition to the circular economy and, especially, sustainable textile recycling.
His latest business venture, BlockTexx is a revolutionary, award winning and innovative textile recycling business. It takes polyester and cotton textiles, pre or post-consumer and uses its patent pending chemical separation process to convert this into recycled polyester pellets and pure cellulose. These are valuable inputs into advanced manufacturing both here and overseas. He also runs a disruptive Digital Signage business. Pop Up Digital, and his own boutique consulting company, Empirica, focussing on environmental and sustainability issues facing companies.
Prior to this, he has held multiple senior roles, including CEO of APG, CEO at Charles Parsons Holdings and Managing Director of Borders Australia. He has a deep and thorough knowledge of sourcing, supply chain and product development in the textile and consumer goods industry.
As both an industry participant and a consumer, Adrian has realised that both the textile industry, and industries using textiles, are both ready for and need positive and real change. He has observed the tension of trying to continue to grow consumption without dealing with the waste we produce, and this is where he believes we can all make significant changes to the business model, driving increased sustainability into our product choices.
He works with businesses at all levels, from Boards to operational management, to establish a clear pathway to recycle, re-use and create strong narratives about sustainability and textile reuse. What was once a uniform can become a meal tray, a shopping basket or chairs and tables for meetings rooms!
He is also Board Chair with Youth Homelessness Charity Homie. In his free time, he is a keen cyclist.
We build teams to suit our clients needs rather than assuming we always have the answer. We have access to a team of experts who are ready to help you develop strategies that suit your needs and your company.
We never use a cookie cutter!